Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Working at Height

Over the past few years the image below has become rather well known, not only in safety or construction circles, but to the general public, often being captioned on the internet with 'FAIL'.  

This is of course a very extreme example of stupidity when it comes to your own safety, but some of the thing that are picked upon our site audits often show the exact same amount of risk taking.  Often we have to repeat the words, 'if you keep doing that you'll be killed!' Usually met with the words 'I've done it this way my whole life and nothings ever happened to me'.  This is of course a valid point, however when you take in to account all the people who had been doing it that same way their entire life, until they died or were gravely injured, it becomes a whole different story.

The people in these photos could be out somewhere balancing precariously and working right now, or they could be lying in a hospital bed with 20/20 hindsight, alas we'll probably never find out, I hope though for their sakes someone showed them these photos and made clear to them the very obvious danger, before anything bad could come of it. 

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